Here’s how it works: taken together, our methodology captures subconscious thoughts, impulses, emotions and inherent likes and dislikes. The findings and recommendations are those of the authors and do not represent the. These thoughts are less influenced by contemplated responses that we usually see with conventional statement-based personality tests. Way back in ye olden days, when being gay was treated as a mental illness and a crime, men were tested for their sexual orientation. We believe that this innovative method of questioning enables us to understand complex issues in a less invasive way. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning before leaving home 10-15 minutes. Online word-based surveys and questionnaires rely on radio-buttons, tick-boxes and drop-downs menus that require hand-to-eye coordination. Your most useful app starting with a G is. Think about it: all of these actually inhibit your emotional responses, and may cause stress and fatigue. That the lighthearted and serious, the gay and the grave, make sometimes beautiful music together Not your idea of the perfection of music, perhaps. Therefore, word-based surveys move you, the respondent, into a different psychological state – one that is more analytical.